God’s Wisdom in His Truths!
In 2010, Wisdom Truths was originally designed as a Bible study group to help enhance the spiritual growth of at-risk youths. As providence would have it, God gave Sophia the vision and wisdom to change it into a personal growth and development workshop to help at risk youth become successful and productive citizens. Through Wisdom Truths workshop, many youth’s lives were changed for the better and they had a positive mindset for themselves as they went forward in life with a renewed hope and love for themselves.
In 2018, God birthed in Sophia a vision for Wisdom Truths Ministries. As founder she established Wisdom Truths Ministries as an expansive evangelistic outreach tool used to reach and win the lost, to make disciples, while empowering and transforming the lives of saints that are in need through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Wisdom Truths Ministries is designed to meet the needs of people spiritually and materially where it’s needed the most by partnering with other missionary organizations.

15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation… 20 And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the [signs that followed.]
– Mark 16:15, 20

Elder Sophia D. Jeffrie
Elder Sophia Jeffrie is the founder and CEO of Wisdom Truths Ministries Inc where she serves the Lord with her whole heart! A native of Sumter, South Carolina, she was born to the late Leroy and Mary L. Robinson. She accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and personal Savior at age 12 and has never looked away. Emulating the spiritual guidance of her mother and grandmother, she has been anchored in the Lord and His church – Christ remains and shall always be the cornerstone of her life!
After graduating from high school, Elder Jeffrie served in the United States Navy where she traveled the world and served faithfully for 20 years. As a Chief Petty Officer, she led, guided, trained and ministered to thousands of Sailors throughout her career. God sustained and kept her through it all.
In 2009, God placed her on assignment at the Florida Youth Challenge Academy where He positioned and trusted her with guiding His most troubled and vulnerable youth. It was there the Lord revealed His true purpose for her life and birthed in her the vision and purpose for what is now “Wisdom Truths”, a life changing personal growth and development workshop designed to enhance the overall social and spiritual growth of At-Risk Cadets. This workshop has grown and serves as the foundation for the Lords greater vision for her life, “Wisdom Truths Ministries”, where Elder Jeffrie can allow God to use her as He heals and transform lives by ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a larger scale! She believes in the power of prayer, is a true intercessor and delivers the Word of God with passion and enthusiasm!
God sent her to St John Missionary Baptist Church in Middleburg, FL as a member since her arrival in Jacksonville, Florida in 2003! Elder Jeffrie started performing God’s work in the Ushers Ministry and the Youth Advisory Board for Mound Street Christian Academy and was called into the Gospel Ministry in 2014 under the leadership of Pastor Dr. C. Edward Preston Sr. As an Ordained Reverend, she served as the Youth Minister and Ministry Coordinator of Church Ministries. In 2020, Evangelist Jeffrie, followed the leading of God and join Wise Choice Ministries under the leadership of Dr. Pastor Shana Wise. In 2022, she was ordained to Elder and now serves as the Outreach Ministry Leader. Her calling is not only into the local communities to do evangelism but to fulfill the mandate of the Great Commission as stated in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creation”! God has already afforded her the opportunity to serve and minister to the people of Honduras and Nairobi, Kenya through Wisdom Truths Ministries Inc and she is willing and ready to obey Jesus’ next command to “Go”!
Elder Jeffrie has a Master of Art Degree in Ministry from Luther Rice College & Seminary and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Workforce Education and Development from Southern Illinois University. She has two sons, Kevin Jr. and Christopher, a bonus son Blaine and two bonus daughters Shawntel and Gervais, ten grandchildren and resides in Green Cove Springs, Florida.
Through God’s spiritual gifts she continues to minister life-changing messages that knows no boundaries! Her message of love and purpose is relatable to those from all walks of life and will certainly serve as a blessing to you as well. Through Wisdom Truths Ministries – You can know…. God’s Wisdom In His Truths, you too will be delivered!

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